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August 12, 2024 at 6:30 am - 2:00 pm

Norbeck Country Club
17200 Cashell Rd
Rockville, MD 20853

Please join ECCTAI in support of our Educational Assistance Grants and Youth In Aviation Program at the 32nd Annual General Benjamin O. Davis, Jr. Golf Classic.  Each year, our chapter provides $15,000 in educational assistance grants to college students in need of tuition assistance as well as over $20,000 toward aviation classes in an effort to motivate our next generation of aviation pioneers through aviation experiences.

Check-in at 6:30 am
Shot Gun start PROMPTLY at 8:00 am
Prizes and Drawings at 1:00 pm

  Registration opens soon!

  Register your foursome, twosome, or as an individual:

  $800.00 - Foursome

  $400.00 - Twosome

  $200.00 - Individual

  If you have any questions, please contact

  Robert Bullett at (703) 729-5902 or


We invite you to invest in the Golf Classic as a Sponsor to help ECCTAI grow our programs to support more deserving youth. 

(click to download letter)      (click to download sponsor opportunities packet)

 ____ $10,000 99th Fighter Squadron Sponsor (One)  

The 99th Fighter Squadron, the most recognized unit, was the first Tuskegee Airmen unit to deploy to North Africa and Italy during World War II.

Three complimentary foursomes, event banner, hole signage, replica of Tuskegee Airmen Congressional Gold Medal (once), three honorary memberships in ECCTAI, two embossed “Red Jackets,” VIP seating at ECCTAI events, private meeting with Original Tuskegee Airmen at Sponsor event, logo on ECCTAI website

____ $5,000 618th Bombardment Squadron Sponsor (Multiple)

The 618th Bombardment Squadron was the squadron of William Broadwater, one of the founders of the Gen B. O. Davis, Jr. Golf Classic. It was one of four squadrons in the 477th Bombardment Group.

Two complimentary foursomes, hole signage, replica of Tuskegee Airmen Congressional Gold Medal (once), two honorary memberships in ECCTAI, one embossed “Red Jacket,” VIP seating at ECCTAI events, and logo on ECCTAI website

____ $2,500 332nd Fighter Group Sponsor (Multiple)      

The 332nd Fighter Group was the lead organization for Tuskegee Airmen units deployed during World War II. It led four fighter squadrons and was commanded by then Lt Col Benjamin O. Davis, Jr.

One complimentary foursome, hole signage, one honorary membership in ECCTAI, one embossed “Red Jacket (if not previously received), reserved seating at ECCTAI events, and logo on ECCTAI website

____ $2,500 477th Bombardment Group Lunch Sponsor (Multiple)   

The 477th Bombardment Group, comprised of four squadrons, trained to fly the B-25 in the war against Japan.  World War II ended before they deployed.  Members of this organization led the famous “Freeman Field Mutiny.”

One complimentary foursome, hole signage, one honorary membership in ECCTAI, one embossed “Red Jacket (if not previously received), reserved seating at ECCTAI events, and logo on ECCTAI website

____ $1,000 96th Maintenance Group Sponsor (Multiple)

The 96th Maintenance Group, comprised of two squadrons, performed maintenance for the flying units.

Two golfers, hole signage, one honorary membership in ECCTAI, logo on ECCTAI website

____ $500 Beverage Cart (Multiple)   Hole signage, one honorary membership in ECCTAI, logo on ECCTAI website

____ $500 Men’s Long Drive   Hole signage, 1honorary membership in ECCTAI, logo on ECCTAI website

____ $500 Women’s Long Drive    Hole signage, 1 honorary membershipin ECCTAI, logo on ECCTAI website

____ $500 Men’s Closest to the Pin     Hole signage, 1 honorary membership in ECCTAI,” logo on ECCTAI website

____ $500 Women’s Closest to the Pin    Hole signage, 1 honorary membership inECCTAI, logo on ECCTAI website

____ $500 Driving Range        Range signage, 1 honorary membership in ECCTAI, logo on ECCTAI website

____ $500 Putting Contest      Signage, 1 honorary membership in ECCTAI, logo on ECCTAI website

____ Monetary or raffle gifts valued at $500 or more (Multiple)   Hole signage, 1 honorary membership in ECCTAI, logo on ECCTAI website

____ Monetary or raffle gift valued less then $500 (Multiple)     Hole signage ($200 - $499), ECCTAI recognition

Questions, contact

Sponsor Registration Form

Sponsor Name__________________________________________________________

Point of Contact_______________________________________________________



Phone Number_________________________________________________________


Sponsor Level__________________________________________________________

Name on Credit Card ____________________________________

CC Type & Number ______________________________________

Number on Back of CC _____________ Exp. Date ___________

Zip Code __________________

Please forward this form and check (if applicable) made payable to “ECCTAI” to:

General Benjamin O. Davis, Jr. Golf Classic

P.O. Box 8234

JB Anacostia-Bolling

Washington, DC     20032-8234


120 Waterfront Street, Ste 420-2189

National Harbor, MD  20745

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