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National & Regional Member Awards

TAI National Awards

Brigadier General Noel F. Parrish Award


  • Nominee’s achievement enhanced equal access to knowledge, skills and opportunities during the award year, which extends from July 1 of the past year through June 30 of the current year
  • Beneficiaries of nominee’s achievements (primary, secondary, etc.)
  • Nature of benefits (tangible, intangible, permanent, short-term, long-term)
  • Impact of achievement on beneficiaries
  • Efforts exerted by nominee

Regional Awards

Each Regional President will appoint the Chairperson of the Regional Awards Committee. Each Region of Tuskegee Airmen, Inc. is to select an awardee to be honored at the annual National Convention.

Criteria: The nominee, for the Regional Award should have been a full participant in his/her Chapter’s Regional or National programs, and should be responsible for significant achievements during the calendar year (from August, following the convention, to July 30 of the next year) that reflect positively not only on the individual, but also on his/her Chapter in membership, finances, youth education and TAI public relations. The submitted package should reflect the following topic statements:

  • The Nominee has increased or has caused to Increase the membership of his/her Chapter.
  • The Nominee has increased or has caused to Increase the finances of his/her Chapter.
  • The Nominee has increased or has caused to Increase the youth education of his/her Chapter.
  • The Nominee has increased or has caused to Increase positive public relations concerning his/her Chapter or The National organization.

Lemuel Rodney Custis National Award


  • Nominee who made a significant contribution to the goals and objectives of the Tuskegee Airmen, Inc.;
  • Be a member in good standing in Tuskegee Airmen Inc., exemplify good citizenship and community involvement;
  • Nominee who advanced a program for disadvantaged youths and/or young adults aspiring to be part of the work force;
  • Created an educational program for youth to inspire them to and guide them through an aviation career or education related to science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM);
  • Provide significant opportunities for youth college scholarships, inspiration to study and or pursue aerospace and/or military careers;
  • Inspire youth to complete high school, pursue advance education or training in an economically employable skill.

Award Recipient:  Only one member of a chapter can be nominated for this award by the chapter’s nominating committee. The award year extends from July 1 of the past year through June 30 of the current year.

Easter Region Awards

The TAI Eastern Region will recognize six individuals from the region for outstanding and exceptional service (Please click on the award listed for a copy of the criteria.):


120 Waterfront Street, Ste 420-2189

National Harbor, MD  20745

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